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It’s Change-up Time!

skin careAs much as we may have looked forward to the winter months, and the reprieve from warm temperatures, a few months of cold and we are ready once again for the glow of sunshine to return. As we head into Springtime, thoughts may turn to spring cleaning. The clearing out of the old and ushering in of the new is a great habit to keep, especially as it pertains to your skin! Here, we will talk about 3 crucial changes that will make your transition into Spring more productive.

The Product Change-up

Your skin will naturally change along with the seasons. As the weather cools and air dries out, so does your skin. This past few month, you may have been basking in heated indoor air and steaming showers. To make up for all the dryness,  [we hope] you applied thick, creamy body lotion right out of the shower. Your moisturizer products were inclusive of emollient ingredients to nourish depleted skin cells. Now is the time to lighten up. Don’t stop moisturizing, by any means! Apply your products morning and night, but toss those thick formulations for the smoother moisturizer with vitamin E as well as alpha or beta hydroxy acid.

The Dermatologic Change-up

As a result of all those thick products and dry air, your skin may be crying out for some TLC. Old, dead skin cells most likely accumulated on the surface of your skin. This layer of cells stands in the way of your moisturizer and other skin care products. It also impedes the revealing of your inner glow. To bound into Spring with a fresh new face, you want to clear off the surface of your skin. The best way to renew skin cells is to see your Spring Lake dermatologist for a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. These gentle treatments give you a jump start to your weekly exfoliating practice.

The Sunscreen Change-up

We are going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you have been using sunscreen all Winter long.  As the temperature rises, you want to be sure to use SPF 30 broad spectrum sunscreen every single day. When you head outdoors for the day, reapply your sunscreen every few hours.

For general and cosmetic dermatology services from our experienced, friendly staff, contact us or call  (732) 449-0167.

Contact Us Today

We take Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. Please call the office for further information about our insurances.

Please call us at 732.449.0167 to schedule your appointment!


Monday: 8:30am to 7:30pm
Tuesday: 12pm to 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 8am to 1:30pm
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